Education For All Poor Children

Study Together For Bright Future  

COPE Cambodia Building

Korethan Village, O'ambel Commune, Serei Sophon District, Banteay Mean Chey Province, Cambodia

Welcome to COPE Cambodia organization, your most wanted training center ! Come and attend some of your classes: Languages Classes: English, Thai, French, and Japanese; Computer Skills Classes: Internet & E-mail, Office Skills, Upgrading and Repairing PCs, and Graphic Design. Special programs for kids.

COPE is a local non-profit organization based in Bantey Mean Chey Province, Cambodia. It stands for Cambodian Organization for Progress and Education and is basically providing education (Languages and Computer Skills) to children in especially difficulty circumstance.

The logo of COPE Cambodia organization

Very simple, the logo of COPE was designed to use officially. But, in fact, there are something special inside what is our most favorite and wanted things -having those children as useful, skillful people, eliminating the languages and computer illiteracy, developing this poor nation, etc. This logo represents as following:
  • A man with a stick pointing at the board represents a Cambodian intellectual lecturer who is very well-organized, patient, interesting, tolerant, gentle, kind, motivating, efficient, and funny.
  • Two men and a woman represent the qualified Cambodian staffs who used to be trained at, and then were successfully graduated in the specific skill from, COPE Cambodia organization.

'Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can alone cause to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.'

'The greatest of all gifts, is the Gift of Teaching!'

'The future belongs to those who give the next generation reasons to hope.'




The front-yard of COPE is large and security for students's vehicles

COPE stands for Cambodian Organization for Progress and Education. It is a local non-government, non-profit, non-political, and non-racial organization which is basically providing education (Languages and Computer Skills) to children and those who are really living under following hard conditions:

  1. The poor students
  2. Orphans
  3. Disabled people
Likewise, monks, adults,and state officers are also accepted to study in case we have enough space for them.COPE was established in February 02, 2006 and completely recognized by Royal Government of Cambodia. It locates in Korethan Village, O’ambel Commune, Serei Sophon District, Banteay Mean Chey Province, Cambodia. At the moment, there are two fields to train them: Languages and Computer Skills, with total number of 16 staffs and volunteers.Becauses, COPE is just a new organization serving mercy mission of training Languages and Computer Skills for free to those people , so it really needs helps fromgenerous donors who are willing to share educational means for target people.

This is a picture of COPE building at the back

This is a building of central office of COPE Cambodia Organization which has a total number of 6 classrooms and 2 rooms for staffs working, and a WC. It was contained both of old, wrecked chairs and tables which are insufficient to the enormous space of students. Especially, at the back of building was not completely built yet; door, windows, and wall are not set properly. Almost every rain falling, students cannot study in back because of the spray of rain and the leaking roof.

This room, in back of building, was never rebuilt or decorated properly

This is one of the rooms which are easy to suffer from the heat, the spray of rain, the leaking roof, and insufficient tables and chairs. Here is an English Class for children; they are sitting and preparing to start their first lesson.

Also, this room, in back of building, was never rebuilt or decorated properly

This is the second classroom of English Class, at the back, for children and adults. The lack of chairs and tables are forcing COPE to limit the amount of students due to the space or our building.

The view of one side of the inadequate classroom shows a number of our lacks

Of course, COPE owns its building and other educational and office materials. But it still needs additional helps from the generous donors from all the parts of the world. As you see it in this picture, some of our classrooms are not good enough to meet the need of students: the room without proper doors or windows, and the lack of chairs and tables, etc.